Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Who are you? I was birthed in the frigid cold of night, then grown in the harsh heat of man only to be thrust back into the cold as a shell of a man...

Where are you? That depends... I am caught between two worlds of light and dark. My light is over powered by the facade of darkness to shield eyes from my true form. In the light I am free... in the dark I am a prisoner of the mask of the barbarian I don not to protect the light...but to hide it...

How are you? I am all or nothing... All praises sung onto me dwindle in the nothingness void of darkness. In this void I live monetarily rather than eternally... so long I have thought. This comes to pasture now.
Why the change? Invalid. Not a change but an uncovering of sorts. I begin to charge the gates and head towards the light... Forward I march steadfast only blinded not by the light..but the endless possibility of me...

Scared? Without fear there can be no progress. No appreciation of sacrifice or challenge of intestinal fortitude. Rather a man be scared and march then he be brave with the world of content he revels in...

Thoughts? Many on to many on to many.... The minuscule complexities I ponder do not scale in comparison to the vast knowledge I have yet to capture...ascertain... and spew into myself mentally so that I can ponder complexities of greater substance.. As the Creator has made it, man is incapable of sight of mind beyond a maximum of 80 inches. This is why I reach anyway.

Once more who are you? Has now become the simplest of questions. In different genre of people, I am known to different persons, by different names..none, for vanity..all for a purpose. with different preconceived notions of each... Now and forever more I am a man REBRON…deshelled and all....

1 comment:

  1. Just when I thought you were produce greatness. You have definitely grown as a writer from your "notebook works." I'm beyond ready to see what's next!!! *buttercup*
