Sunday, January 2, 2011

Thought of the Week-----------> Theoretical Love

IS Love dead? Or rather is the institution of love dead? Ever wonder why 50% marriages end in divorce? I have a thought… or maybe a theory. Love use to be about the feeling, it use to invoke sensations people never experienced before. Love was being able to be whisked away in the very essence of another. Love heightened the sense that few are fortunate to use...the heart. But alas I fear those days are gone. In essence or lack there of, many marriages are not based on the spirit of “that feeling” but based on the spirit of economics or  some other misguided miscreant which slyly interpreted itself as love...and crept into the hearts of men(mankind). The idea of love is lost in books and fictional characters with such intense feel…that they can ONLY conceivably BE  works of art rather than in the flesh. In a way, love is now based on the economical value of the next. Today marriage is more like a calculated business transaction rather than the “sheer feeling that holds one hostage while it captives…stimulates…and motivates. People learn to love over time instead of being IN love at THAT moment IN time. Love has been reduced from one of the purest most natural sentiments that was entrusted to man, to an analytical theory dissected many times over before it reaches its “final cut”. Many say chivalry is lost… that is because the horse it rode in on…has been put out to pasture…


  1. I don't agree with your sentiment. I think that love way back was about 'love' and financial benefit. Men got away with more because they made the money and women put up with it. And I'm not saying that its completely gone. its still there, lots of women get married for the wrong reasons like money. But there are who women don't have to stay in relationships because they are afraid they might not be able to look after themselves and their children.
    Men need to step more, I don't care that you can buy me a house, I can buy my own. And I don't mean that in a disrespectful way, I think its just as disrespectful for men to think I should be grateful because they buy me stuff and its patronizing.
    Its about adding value to each other's lives. This matter is complex.

  2. Your thoughts are interesting. Especially since I believe I am able to love an individual just for the sake of loving him. I experience butterflies when I hear his voice...feel his touch...and smile when I think about him. I assure you Poet that these feelings are not of financial gain, or any other benefit because this individual has let's say...a fixed income. As a matter of fact, when I met him he lived in a small town, with a minimum wage job, and no transportation. Nonetheless I loved, and still love just HIM. True loves NOT just in exists even today. I feel Blessed to have found it. What would make it more beautiful is if he felt the same way. Loved me just for the sake of loving me. Without stipulations, or odd arrangements. Very interesting Poet....

  3. Hmmmz i see where all of you are coming from. I think part of the reason marriages don't last anymore is because there isn't any fight put in to them and many are founded on the wrong things (i.e. looks, money, hope of doing better). People are quick to throw up the deuces and not work at love anymore. Love is an action word and it takes work to make it happen and like anything worth having,it takes time and effort. Another reason marriages aren't working is because people are caught up in the titles and ceremonies and not what goes into creating those titles, rights, and obligations. People are ok with the "better" part and can't handle when the "worst" comes into play. Another thing is that women are now independent, educated, and self-sufficient. Some men take this as a threat and feel inadequate, others take pride, and still others see a meal ticket. Unfortunately, men have been limited to this role as provider and don't know how to really be a partner now. We don't need your finances but we must have your respect, support, encouragement, and presence. *buttercup*
