Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sleep Deprivation

Impeccable passions persist until I reach my perfections pinnacle; the pale of my eyes the poignancy I posses for sleep can be viewed as cynical, Poorly packaged truths predicate papal bulls still exist the ignorance mass media still review as bliss. Insatiable appetite still at 6:08 in the morning I retain for this; I sit back continue as I am to still create in the mist; social skills continually liquefy as I delve deeper and deeper while the feeling intensifies; vicious vultures vivaciously begin to vindicate this vector; as they left me for dead vicariously enjoyed as Achilles to their Hector. Always alone; rigamortis should I stop or the beating heart would I drop; but I need no medical inspector. When most see they flee in fear or apprehend to be near and must vacate right away for once they leave I must WRITE away hopefully WHENever but even if not for now then at least till a future FORever. At days end what I have is God send; forgive me Lord oh father I am blasphemous for I cannot A-scend into heaven for my soul has been captured…. by this Pen… As you say good morning I will not say good evening I will continue tinue tinue until... I reach my Eden...

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